Circles & Spaces
Circles & Spaces will be as honest and raw as possible, focusing on failures rather than successes, with the hope you leave feeling encouraged. Alpha Youth creates a space for young people to hold meaningful conversations about life, faith and purpose. - [In collaboration with the Global Barna 2022 Teens study: The Open Generation]
Circles & Spaces
Stop Editing The Gospel! Ft. OCCA | Circles & Spaces: Confessions Of A Youth Leader
Alpha Youth, OCCA
Season 2
Episode 5
Azande & Charlie were on sight at Focus 2023 with friends Clare & Alanzo from The Oxford Centre of Christian Apologetics also known as OCCA. Clare and Alanzo help us understand the importance of delving deeper into the word with young people. They speak dynamically on the importance of young people seeking God and share some incredible resources for anyone leading young people.